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  • Ekphrastic Poetry Films
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LYRICAL VISION VI – a jewel of a New Zealand summer screening

LYRICAL VISIONS VI (Friday, January 26th) promises to be one of those 'jewel' events that glint tantalizingly across the water:  both creatively excellent with a finely honed curation, but also a really memorable and enjoyable  evening out with a mixture of films and live events. One example is poet and…


  Happy Holidays and New Year to all poetry filmmakers, artists, poets etc. out there. I look forward to catching up with you in the New Year. In the meantime here is a card my daughter Georgie painted for me (she says she isn't an artist ...) to send you…


Exhausted and inspired, I have just flown back from vibrant, warm and friendly Mexico City and FOTOGENIA festival 5 – an extraordinary collection of films from across the world, at seven locations, so ably co-ordinated and directed by Chris Patch / Mtro. Christian O. Pacheco-Cámara. The sites were: Centro Cultural…

New imprint – Poem Film Editions & Frame to Frames : Your Eyes Follow bilingual book

I am very proud to announce the launch of Poem Film Editions, an imprint that will celebrate the link between word and image, poetry + film and of course, poetry film. The first publication will be the bilingual (English and Spanish) book of the Frame to Frames : Your Eyes…

Winter Latino Festivals: Lights Down & Screens are Lit in Mexico and Argentina

Festivals abound at this time of year and down in the Latino / Latinx / Hispanic countries of Latin America, the lights are out and the screens are lit for the winter celebrations. VideoBardo, Buenos Aires, Argentina 23rd / 24th November & 1st–3rd December VideoBardo – the oldest festival of…

Photostory 'A Painting of a House' for Liberated Words by Charles Olsen

As part of the Word and Image section of the website I am very interested in photo stories or photo essays. I was over the moon when Charles submitted the following to me, and I think it provides a perfect blueprint for such writing, also crossing over into the terrain…

Heralding the first Aotearoa Poetry Film Festival - New Zealand

The first Aotearoa poetry film festival in Wellington is nearly upon us on the 2nd & 3rd of November. It looks an exciting and innovative event, which is not surprising since I know some of the judges and their own work, but also they say 'In particular, we encourage the…

MALDITO videopoetry festival on the horizon with auspicious dates 31st Oct - 5th Nov

This is a wonderful festival based in Albacete, Spain, that celebrates video poetry amongst all kinds of performance - as happy amongst live bands and VJing as in a quiet, reflective cinema. And following its raunchy and evocative name – Maldito means 'Damned' – the event links two feverish dates:…

Frame to Frames: Your Eyes Follow finalists for FOTOGENIA 2023

A Word from the Director - Sarah Tremlett I am really pleased to announce the finalists of Frame to Frames: Your Eyes Follow ekphrastic poetry film prize for 2023. I am very proud to say that the screening will be part of the exciting programme at FOTOGENIA 2023, Mexico City,…

Motherland: a San Francisco State of Mind - Sarah Tremlett visits the city and Lyon Street by Marc Zegans

Motherland – a San Francisco State of Mind : Lyon Street by Marc Zegans (shadowed by Herman Berlandt)  a roving reader’s report by Sarah Tremlett A year ago this month saw the publication of American poet Marc Zegan’s milestone work – Lyon Street – an elegy to a city, and…

JÁ–FEST – theatre and poetry film – a revealing insider's view from Janet Lees

I am so pleased and proud to showcase this very special insiders account of Lisbon-based JÁ–FEST – a theatre-based festival including poetry films. This is a rich and comprehensive report,  with links to events and interviews by invited judge and workshop leader Janet Lees –  recognized for her contribution to…

The Metaphysical World Where I Live – Lois P. Jones in-depth interview (winning film Frame to Frames I)

An important update to this year’s edition of Frame to Frames: Your Eyes Follow ekphrastic poetry film screening and competition has been the inclusion of a memorable poem on Ana Segovia's festival painting by leading American poets Lois P. Jones and Elena K. Byrne (known for her extensive ekphrastic collection…