• Poetry
  • Poetry Film
  • Geopoetics
  • Videopoetry
  • Film Poetry
  • Intermedia
  • Screen Poetry
  • Ekphrastic Poetry Films
  • Family History
  • Ecopoetry Films
  • Translation
  • Performance and Subjectivity


Drumshanbo final call for poetry films

I am really pleased to put in a final call  for poetry films for what promises to be a really memorable event in this beautiful, watery lakeland town (with extraordinary floating boardwalk across Acres lake)  in County Leitrim 22nd to the 25th August.   As they say on the website:  the festival ‘brings  together some […]

JIM ANDREWS: Sea of Po – animisms and a ‘different sort of poetry & magazine’

How to introduce legendary Canadian Jim Andrews – a leading figure in the world of visual poetics / interactive literature / kinetic text and founder of Vispo https://vispo.com.  On eliterature.org the Vancouver-based polymath is described as ‘attempting to create writing that is a synthesis of various arts and media: words, code, sound, images and interactivity’. […]

Weimar: Lit-collage, Aline Helmcke, Frame to Frames book tour, judging – Poetryfilmtage

I am very excited and honoured to be part of Weimar Poetry Film Award / Poetryfilmtage – (Friday 31st May and Saturday 1st June) this year. I will be judging and also presenting the newly published Frame to Frames : Your Eyes Follow / Cuadro a Cuadros : Tus Ojos Seguen bilingual, ekphrastic poetry anthology, […]

Poetry Goes Technical: LYRA, Cancer Alley and AI poetry with Thomas Zadegiacomo del Bel

If you are in Bristol this weekend LYRA poetry festival is closing on the 21st with lots still to come, such as TS Eliot prize-winning poets Joelle Taylor and Alice Oswald (in Oswald’s case supported by Caroline Bird and Rachel Long). And for poetry film lovers and those interested in the interaction between poetry and […]

World Autism Month and Poetry Film – Christina Jane and Steve Downey

April is World Autism Month / Autism Acceptance Month which began on the 2nd of April as World Autism Awareness Day, and includes Autism Acceptance Week 2–8 April. Though for many it might seem a fairly new idea, this important time of year has roots going back as far as the 1970s. Some years ago […]

Women in Word II Hypatia Trust, Penzance and FINAL CALL for films

I am really thrilled to be back at the second Women in Word Literary Festival based out of Hypatia Trust, Penzance, Conrwall and this year running from 6th to the 8th of June. I will be part of the selection team for the poetry film section including Lally MacBeth and Linda Cleary from Hypatia. The […]