• Poetry
  • Poetry Film
  • Geopoetics
  • Videopoetry
  • Film Poetry
  • Intermedia
  • Screen Poetry
  • Ekphrastic Poetry Films
  • Family History
  • Ecopoetry Films
  • Translation
  • Performance and Subjectivity

VideoBardo at Quilmes – curation and conference by Marisol Bellusci and Javier Robledo – 24 September

Just received news of this very interesting curation by Marisol Bellusci and Javier Robledo in Quilmes, Argentina on Saturday. I wish I could be there.  :))


Note, the image above is from Vic Pereiró’s Complejo Obrero Complejo (Complex Worker Complex) which in quickly edited text and a repetitive beat reminds us of our existential position as numbers (maybe now overly scrutinised numbers, or numbers quickly passing through) in a failed capitalist system. 


VideoBardo Festival Internacional de Videopoesía

en Semana de las Artes Quilmes

Muestra y Charla de Videopoesía por Marisol Bellusci 

Sábado 24 de septiembre, 18 hs.

Centro de Producción Audiovisual Leonaro Fabio. Quilmes, Argentina.

ORGANIZA: Departamento Extensión Carlos Morel, Quilmes


VideoBardo International Videopoetry Festival

in Quilmes Arts Week 

Screening and conference by Marisol Bellusci

Saturday, September 24, 6:00 p.m.

In Centro de Producción Audiovisual  Leonardo Fabio, Quilmes, Argentina

ORGANIZE: Departamento Extensión Carlos Morel, Quilmes


Primer sección / first section

Bookanima; Andy Warhol. by  Kim Shon / S.Corea

Communal by Smorodinova Marina / Rusia

Complejo Obrero Complejo de Pereiró Vic / España

Gente Monstruo de Lucas Nuñez / Argentina

Mind Fly by Trautwein Jurgen / Germany

Moments de Susanne Wiegner / Germany

Novena by Camia Shirley /  Canadá

Page of love de NOWA – Jeff  Zorrilla  y Alejandra López Martín/ Spain/USA

Terroir de Westlake Dawn / USA


Segunda sección / second section


Andrò a ritroso della nostra corsa by Mattia Biondi / Italia

Concierto para mar en sol mayor  de Javier Robledo / Argentina

The Divine Way by Ilaria Di Carlo / Italia

A UNX de Bustamante Paz / Argentina 

Centered Brane Fair  / USA

Hasta que me acuerdo de un sueño que tuve antes de Colombo Migliorero Santiago / Argentina


Curaduría/ curated : Marisol Bellusci y Javier Robledo